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12:00 - 16:00


APEM presentations at 12:45, 13:45 and 14:45

As Europe’s leading independent environmental consultancy, APEM Ltd provides a unique blend of specialist scientific services across the environmental and water cycle. Pioneering remote sensing technology, national field resource coverage, industry leading laboratories and consultants meeting the demands of some of the most complex and technically challenging environmental projects.
For a 1-2-1 chat contact us today or at

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H2OVER: Virtual Site Visits by APEM

At the core of APEM's catchment and environmental assessments is our innovative use of 3D high resolution models allowing desk-based inspection of hundreds of square kilometres at 2cm resolution - allowing detailed assessments and intervention planning without putting a single boot on the ground!


Today the APEM team can walk you through a variety of uses from this approach for both clean water and wastewater operations, covering a number of strategic responses such as Reliability of Clean Drinking Water supplies, Working with Customers and Supporting Ecosystems and Biodiversity.

Geospatial Output Pollution Sources
2cm resolution images from 2,000ft and 200km/h
Topographical and CAD extraction
Land and habitat mapping and natural capital accounts

What is H2OVER?


Landscape scale capture of extremely high resolution images used for multiple business applications. Literally every square inch of the region


“Reuse a single source of data rather than revisit sites”


Why is H2OVER possible now?


  • Game changing acquisition speed and resolution
  • 2 or 3cm resolution 2D and/or 3D models
  • Captured at 200km/h and 2,000ft
  • Can also now be hosted online
  • Smart model with switchable layers and data for different business areas.
  • Significantly higher resolution than satellite, and more contemporary and much higher resolution than Google.

Strategic Responses

H2OVER and DCWW strategic responses


Clean drinking water, rivers and beaches


  • Identifying candidate sources of pollution from the sky to target ground teams


Reliability of drinking water supply systems


  • e.g. change detection, leak detection, asset location and digital rehearsals.


Customers and Communities


  • Reduce the need to inconvenience customers simply to ‘have a look’!


Smart Water System Management, Ecosystems and Biodiversity


  • Smart networks and GIS only tell half the story! Digitalisation of the natural environment provides the visual data to manage blue/green assets.

APEM: An award-winning environmental consultancy

An award-winning environmental consultancy

APEM have provided services under the DCWW Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (EMA) Framework since 2014, continuing into AMP07.


APEM is an innovative, award-winning environmental consultancy specialising in freshwater and marine science, remote sensing and aerial surveys.

 As the UK’S leading provider of aquatic ecological services for both freshwater and marine environments, APEM offers consultancy, laboratory services and field surveys. These include working on EIAs, HRAs and implementation of the Water Framework Directive.

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