ELIQUO HYDROK has extensive experience and track record of working with all the major UK and Ireland Water Utility companies, providing Water Engineering Solutions to all manner of complex and simple problems.
ELIQUO HYDROK Ltd is a member of the ELIQUO WATER GROUP, who have an extensive solution and product portfolio for proprietary biosolids and nutrient management technologies such as LysoTherm® thermal hydrolysis technology, EloVac®, a compact, skid-mounted vacuum degassing technology for digested sludge and EloDry® low-temperature drying equipment. These technologies join an existing portfolio that includes solutions for wastewater management, wastewater treatment, clean water treatment and surface water management. The extensive portfolio includes Mecana Pile Cloth Media Filtration, aeration technologies, IFAS Fixed Bed Media, CSO screens, flow controls, storm tank flushing, and Raw Water Intake Screens. Off-site and bespoke manufacturing is a key element to the ELIQUO HYDROK service with a complete turn-key project management available as required.
Wastewater Treatment
Eliquo Hydrok, with its Aeration, IFAS and Mecana technologies, are in a unique position to offer low cost solutions for your AMP7 needs. Used in combination they can be used to enhance and upgrade existing assets to deliver improved effluent quality and treat additional load. Further, as they are ‘build-off site’ solutions they can be installed quickly and safely, without interruption to the existing process stream.
As an example working with MMB, on behalf of Severn Trent, we have deployed these complementary technologies at the Goscote site. Performance is currently consistently better than the rather tight consent (1.3 mg/l Ammonia, 0.2 mg/l total Phosphorus) and we think this could probably be the best quality effluent in the UK at present.

Eliquo Hydrok have the UK distribution for the Mecana Pile Cloth Filter Media. The Mecana range of Pile Cloth Media Filters (PCMF) are available to treat flows ranging from 3 l/sec. to 250 l/sec. in steel tank units. The filters can also be installed in multiple concrete tanks, the largest flow being 9,250 l/sec. to-date. Retrofit into existing tanks is possible.
The Primary Filtration cloth media filtration system is designed as an economical and efficient solution for the treatment of primary wastewater and wet weather applications. This system utilises a disk configuration and the exclusive OptiFiber PF-14® pile cloth filtration media to effectively filter high solids waste streams without the use of chemicals. This technology is ideal for primary wastewater treatment as an alternative to a conventional primary treatment; or it can also be used as a post primary filter in series after a conventional primary treatment.
Wastewater Management
ELIQUO HYDROK’s heritage as a key supplier for storm water overflow screening technology such as the MecMex CSO screens, has positioned the company firmly within the management of water within the networks particularly focusing on Storm Water control and treatment.
The portfolio covers solutions for controlling water flow within our sewers and pipes - for the alleviation and prevention of flooding - for storm tank and sewer cleansing, like the CWF ‘Flushing Bell’ - for water inlet screens and screening conditioning - for flow control and flood alleviation, plus for miscellaneous water control products.
Biosolids Technologies

The ELIQUO HYDROK experience in sludge treatment is comprehensive. Sludge thickening, digestion, dewatering and drying are all part of the portfolio. With the proprietary, innovative design concepts, we provide advanced sludge treatment solutions. The best-possible sludge digestion enables sewage treatment plants to operate with energy self-sufficiency and in some cases with an energy surplus. this is achievable in combination with co-substrate utilisation, with energy-related improvements in the mechanical and aerobic biological wastewater treatment.
The range includes LysoTherm® thermal hydrolysis technology, EloVac®, a compact, skid-mounted vacuum degassing technology for digested sludge and EloDry® low-temperature drying equipment.
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